The Troy Historic Preservation Alliance relies on the generosity of donors to preserve and protect the historic architecture and culture of the community. Your tax-deductible donation helps us with operating costs which allow us to provide educational resources, coordinate preservation efforts, and promote the rich history of our city. Additionally, by becoming a member and paying annual dues of $30 per household, you'll have access to exclusive events and information while helping us preserve the beauty and history of Troy for future generations. Thank you for your support and commitment to preserving our shared heritage.
Special for NEW MEMBERS!
New members will receive a free THPA Tshirt upon paying their annual dues of $30 per household!!!! [While Supplies last]
Current members may purchase a THPA Tshirt for only $15!!! [While supplies last]
Dont forget to include color, size and delivery address in the comments section.
scan here to join and receive your free tshirt!!
meeting schedule
Members attending the meeting on July 2, 2024 voted to change the meeting frequency to quarterly rather than monthly. Meetings will continue to be on the first Tuesday of the month, unless a change is necessary. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary.
Meeting dates are:
October 1, 2024
January 7, 2025
April 1, 2025
July 1, 2025
October 7, 2025
THPA Board
The THPA board of directors is committed to advocating for the preservation, restoration, and repurposing of Troy's historic places. With each member bringing their unique talents and expertise to the table, we are able to continue working towards preserving Troy's rich history.
Ben Sutherly Chris Manning Julie McMiller Beth Shinn
Julie Carter Carole Kerber Patti Jones Logan Terri Parmenter
Martin Stewart Amy Watt Loraine Wyatt